People of Product

133: Innovation through Collaboration | The Storyblocks Design Team (ft. Justin Wieners)

Episode Summary

Storyblocks is a top video library for marketers and creators. In this episode, George and Justin Wieners (senior product designer at Storyblocks) discuss the unique structure and dynamics of the design and engineering teams. They highlight the importance of collaboration and a strong relationship between these two crafts. Justin provides insights into the team set up at Storyblocks, where designers are grouped into different focus areas: growth, marketing, and workflow. Justin provides insights into the team setup at Storyblocks, where designers are grouped into different focus areas including growth, marketing, and workflow. He also details his role in a squad that includes engineers and a product manager. He emphasizes the value of the triad model, where the product designer, lead engineer, and product manager work collaboratively to plan and execute projects.